Section: New Results

Augmented Environments

Most results in the area of augmented environments were presented through various software products and prototypes, including:

  • IXE, Interactive eXtensible Engine (see section 5.5 for details). In particular, IXE allowed us to show that a precision of one step is attainable, guidance being done through a mix of spatialized vocal instructions and 3D audio.

  • GIF Demonstrator: This application was used to showcase our technologies at the Grenoble Innovation Fair (GIF). Augmented reality was used to find the various booths and products, while our indoor navigation system was guiding visitors to any booth.

  • Interactive Audio Panorama: A fun interactive experience with virtual audio. It immerses the user in a complete 360° audio panorama and allows her/him to discover a futuristic house. It demonstrates the authoring possibilities offered by the MAUDL interactive audio language.

  • PDRTrack: An indoor localization utility demonstrating the various correction parameters of our IMU-based localization system. The user can record data sets and simulate using various parameters to find out the effect of different map matching settings and their result on localization accuracy. The user can also simply walk in real-time with tracking enabled on a given OpenStreetMap network.

  • Sugimotocho Stn: A model of this railway station has been built with the help of the GISLab (Osaka City University). An electronic kick-scooter was used to measure distances and a navigation network was designed to help people to move around in the station.

These products and prototypes were presented in various fora in 2012, in particular at: